Title | School level | Country | Exchange form | Start |
1 semaine d'échange physique (Deux langues - ein Ziel) 🇨 ↔ 🇨 |
Primary school | Switzerland FR |
Reciprocal meeting, Class exchange with class immersion, Joint camp (>3 days) | 2024/2025 |
à la recherche d' une classe francophone (Sprach- oder Briefaustausch) 🇨 ↔ 🇨 |
Secondary school I | Switzerland SZ |
Reciprocal meeting, Class exchange with class immersion | 2024/2025 |
Cherche classe francophone pour correspondance 🇨 ↔ 🇨 |
Primary school | Switzerland ZH |
Virtual exchange | 2024/2025 |
Echange avec classe francophone 🇨 ↔ 🇨 |
Primary school | Switzerland BE |
Reciprocal meeting, Class exchange with class immersion, Joint trip (1-2 days), Joint camp (>3 days) | 2024/2025 |
Échange de messages écrits 🇨 ↔ 🇨 |
Primary school | Switzerland SO |
Virtual exchange | 2024/2025 |
Echange pour bavarder en français et en allemand 🇨 ↔ 🇨 |
Secondary school I | Switzerland BE |
Reciprocal meeting, Joint trip (1-2 days), Collaboration on a specific theme | 2025/2026 |
Echange réciproque entre élèves de Zürich/ Suisse romande 🇨 ↔ 🇨 |
Upper secondary school (prep. university) | Switzerland ZH |
Reciprocal meeting, Class exchange with class immersion | 2025/2026 |
échange scolaire pour bavarder en français 🌍 ↔ 🇨 |
Secondary school I | Germany | Reciprocal meeting, Class exchange with class immersion | 2024/2025 |
échange virtuel 🇨 ↔ 🇨 |
Primary school | Switzerland BE |
Virtual exchange | 2025/2026 |
École partenaire pour un échange en 8ème année 🇨 ↔ 🇨 |
Secondary school I | Switzerland TG |
Reciprocal meeting, Class exchange with class immersion | 2023/2024 |
Impariamo con voi 🇨 ↔ 🇨 |
Secondary school I | Switzerland VD |
Reciprocal meeting, Class exchange with class immersion, Joint trip (1-2 days), Collaboration on a specific theme, Virtual exchange | 2025/2026 |
Intercambio francés-español entre Neuchâtel y ... ¿tus almunos? 🇨 ↔ 🌍 |
Secondary school I | Switzerland NE |
Reciprocal meeting, Class exchange with class immersion, Joint trip (1-2 days), Collaboration on a specific theme, Virtual exchange | 2025/2026 |
Interkultureller Austausch: Englische und Schweizer Sagen und Legenden auf Padlet und Canva 🌍 ↔ 🇨 |
Secondary school I | United Kingdom | Virtual exchange | 2023/2024 |
Klassenlager / Camp de classe 🇨 ↔ 🇨 |
Primary school | Switzerland TG |
Joint camp (>3 days), Lager | 2025/2026 |
Legami culturali 🇨 ↔ 🇨 |
Upper secondary school (prep. university) | Switzerland TI |
Reciprocal meeting, Class exchange with class immersion | 2023/2024 |
Musikalische Begegnung 🇨 ↔ 🇨 |
Upper secondary school (prep. university) | Switzerland BS |
Reciprocal meeting, Joint trip (1-2 days) | 2025/2026 |
Parlons ensemble ! 🇨 ↔ 🇨 |
Secondary school I | Switzerland TG |
Reciprocal meeting, Class exchange with class immersion, Joint trip (1-2 days), Collaboration on a specific theme, Virtual exchange | 2025/2026 |
Partnerschule für regelmässigen Austausch 🇨 ↔ 🇨 |
Secondary school I | Switzerland TG |
Reciprocal meeting, Class exchange with class immersion, Joint trip (1-2 days), Virtual exchange | 2025/2026 |
RDPS Multicultural Exchange Programme 🌍 ↔ 🇨 |
Secondary school I | India | Reciprocal meeting, Class exchange with class immersion, Collaboration on a specific theme, Virtual exchange | 2023/2024 |
Sprachaustausch 🇨 ↔ 🇨 |
Primary school | Switzerland ZH |
Reciprocal meeting, Joint trip (1-2 days), Virtual exchange | 2025/2026 |