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* This activity is currently only available in German and French.

2 to 2 ½ hours

Times: in the morning from 9h15 to 12h30, in the afternoon from 13h00 to 16h30


Bilingual workshops

In collaboration with the Movetia Foundation, the Laténium has developed bilingual offers as part of the class exchange programme, which include a museum visit and a workshop of your choice.

Visit of a museum

We start with a guided tour of the museum or a visit to a themed area, for which 30 minutes are planned. Students form two groups, one group following the guided tour in German, the other group following the guided tour in French.

More information on the Movetia website (in German or French)

Authors Movetia
Created Aug. 14, 2023
School level Elementary school, Secondary school I
Phase During the exchange
Social form Whole class/group
Goal of activity Thematische Zusammenarbeit
Topic Region/country
Implementation type In person/on site
Languages German, French
Terms of use
Explanation of the terms of use