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Letter game (acrostic)

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Letter game (acrostic)



Sheet, pencil


approx. 15- 20min


The participants (1 participant from each language) are given a word in pairs, the letters of which are written vertically under each other. For each letter they have to find a German, French, Italian or English word that is related to the word written vertically.


Ideas for words to share in German:

Romandie, Deutschschweiz, Tessin, Schule, Kultur, Unterschiede, Sprachen, Neues, Entdecken, Lernen, Namen der Austauschstädte (z.B. Basel, Montreux, etc.), Kennenlernen, Überwinden, Probieren

Ideas for words to share in French:

Romandie, Suisse alémanique, Ticino, école, culture, différences, langues, nouveautés, découvrir, apprendre, noms de villes d'échanges, connaître, surmonter, essayer

Ideas for words to share in Italian:

Ticino, Svizzera francese, Svizzera tedesca, scuola, cultura, differenze, lingue, cose nuove, scoprire, imparare, nomi delle città di scambio, conoscere, superare, sperimentare

Authors Movetia
Created 26 Jun 2023
School level Secondary school I, Secondary school II, Youth group
Phase Before the exchange, During the exchange, After the exchange
Social form In tandem
Activity type Game, Words/languages
Implementation type In person/on site
Languages German, French, Italian, English
Terms of use
Explanation of the terms of use