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Scrabble Run

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Scrabble Run



Scrabble set, 


approx. 20min


The two classes are divided into mixed (language) groups. At the start command, the first player in each group runs to the place where the Scrabble letters are. He/she brings one of them back to the group. Then the next player starts, etc. When there are no more letters to get, the groups have 5 minutes left to form words in the two languages. Only words from different languages may cross each other on the board. One point is awarded for each letter in a word. 

Authors Movetia
Created June 26, 2023
School level Elementary school, Secondary school I, Youth group
Phase During the exchange
Social form Small groups
Goal of activity Ice-breaker/get to know each other
Topic Words/languages, Sport and physical activity
Implementation type In person/on site
Languages German, French, Italian, English
Terms of use
Explanation of the terms of use