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* This activity is currently only available in German and French.

2 options:
Guided tour (1h) and guided tour (1h) followed by a workshop (1h).

Why should we experience a day at the Sensorium?
An interactive, bilingual and multicultural encounter, "full of meaning" in the context of a class exchange! 
The Sensorium welcomes classes every day to accompany them in deepening various school themes. The senses are the basis of life and all learning. That is why they deserve our special attention. They allow us to focus on the relationship between humans and nature, contributing to a broader understanding of how to protect our environment.
In August 2020, the Sensorium was awarded the Label of Bilingualism by the Forum for Bilingualism. This is in recognition of the work done to welcome and accompany German- and French-speaking visitors. The Sensorium is the second museum institution in Switzerland - the first in the German-speaking world - to receive this award.
Further information on the Movetia website (in German or French)

Authors Movetia
Created 14 Aug 2023
School level Elementary school
Phase During the exchange
Social form Whole class/group
Goal of activity Working together on a topic
Activity type Museum visits
Thematic course content Sustainable development, biodiversity and environment
Implementation type In person/on site
Languages German, French
Terms of use
Explanation of the terms of use